The Free Adult Acting Class is always held at
Anacortes Community Theatre,
918 M Ave., Anacortes, WA
(NW corner of M Ave. & 10th St.)
Class is conducted downstairs in the basement lobby,
on the "FAAC Set".
Upon entering the 2nd set of front double doors,
turn right and step down 4 steps.
(From outside Anacortes)
>Take Hwy. 20 WEST to Anacortes.
>Negotiate the roundabout intersection
at Hwy. 20 WEST & Commercial Ave.
and turn RIGHT (North) onto Commercial Ave.
>Continue NORTH on Commercial Ave. to 12th St.
>Turn LEFT (West) onto 12th St.
>Continue WEST on 12th St. to M Ave.
>Turn RIGHT (North) onto M Ave.
>Continue NORTH on M Ave. to 10th St.
Anacortes Community Theatre is on the NW corner of M Ave. & 10th St.
Park at any available angled parking in front of / around
the Anacortes Library or along the residential streets.