FAAC Guest Speaker Application


The Free Adult Acting Class is proud to host presentations from experienced theatre veterans on topics relevant to community theatre.

Topics may include: Acting Instruction, Improvisation, Comedy, Drama, Blocking, Cold Reading, Singing, Choreography, etc. 

If it has anything to do with live, theatrical performance, it's fair game! 

If you are an individual with such a knowledge base and the ability to speak to a group of people on your topic, I cordially invite you to contact me so we can schedule your presentation for a future session of the Free Adult Acting Class! 

So I can optimally promote you and your presentation, please email me the information below so we can schedule your FAAC Guest Speaker presentation!  



  1. Your full name / how you wish to be identified.
  2. Your background, credentials, experience, accomplishments, etc.
  3. Your contact information: email, phone, website, social media, etc. 
  4. A JPEG head shot photo of yourself. (For promotional purposes.) 



  1. The title of your presentation. (Keep it short, please.)
  2. A brief description of your presentation.
  3. A brief target market description of who would be interested in your presentation.
  4. What date and hours you prefer for your presentation: 

               >The 1st Tuesday evening of the month, between 7:10 pm – 10 pm. 

               >The 3rd Saturday morning of the month, between 10:10 am – 1 pm. 


  1. What materials, white board, projector screen, props, furnishings, etc. do you need to set up your presentation?
  2. How can I help you during your presentation?

Your FAAC Guest Speaker appearance will be well-promoted to the public through: Affiliate Websites, Subscriber Emails, Publicity Posters,

Facebook Postings, Print Media Press Releases, In-Class Announcements, Word-of-Mouth, etc. 

Please email me your information at: Nello@FreeAdultActingClass.com 

Thank you very much!