Copyright © 2019 by Nello Bottari
(These Main Topic Outlines are a continual work-in-progress;
actively re-edited and updated for conciseness and accuracy.)
1. Culmination of all prior efforts.
2. Full operation of all production elements.
3. Action is continuous; no stopping.
4. Stage Manager (S.M.) fully in charge.
5. Paying patrons in attendance.
6. Matinees are scheduled.
7. Extra shows are possible.
1. Maintain your health.
2. Bring your script.
3. Secure your transportation.
4. Note your call times.
5. Allow for travel-time.
6. Call if delayed.
7. Secure your costuming, props & make-up.
8. Bring food & drink judiciously.
9. Consider using a carry-all.
1. Park away from the venue.
2. Turn off electronic devices.
3. Use specified Cast entries.
4. Avoid interacting with patrons.
5. Inspect all set elements.
6. Inspect your props & costuming presets.
7. Inspect prop tables.
8. Alert S.M. to any issues.
9. Know emergency procedures.
10. Respect all theatre policies.
1. Just another show.
2. Gifts & hugs exchanged.
3. Establish make-up station.
4. Establish stowing of personally-owned items.
1. Properly stow personally-owned items.
2. Properly hang costumes in wardrobe.
3. Alert S.M. to any issues.
4. Protect & respect prop & costume custody.
5. Respect reasonable privacy.
6. Always be courteous.
7. Keep script handy.
8. Apply make-up before putting on your costuming.
9. Put on your costuming.
10. Secure your props.
11. Respond to time checks.
12. Use lavatory judiciously.
13. Practice costume changes.
14. Note when House opens.
15. Use backstage voices; speak in brief whispers.
17. Respond when S.M. calls “Places!”
18. Report to where you need to be before show starts.
1. Have a purpose for being backstage.
2. Anticipating your cue to enter, timely enter backstage from dressing room.
3. Practice being quiet!
4. Avoid speaking at all—or use brief whispers.
5. Respect & know the prop tables.
6. Respect all pre-sets.
7. Keep passageways clear.
8. Know all entrance points.
9. Timely be at your entrance points.
10. Avoid creating distractions.
11. Avoid being distracted.
12. Ignore other actors muttering & pacing.
13. Be attentive of all cues to enter.
14. Be attentive of your cue to enter.
15. Prepare for your entrances.
16. Be alert, anticipate and enter on cue.
17. Render any assistance to others if necessary.
18. Execute quick costume changes backstage.
19. Execute assigned scene change duties.
1. What “Lives” onstage,
2. Pre-set backstage,
3. Stowed in Dressing Room,
4. in actor’s continuous custody.
1. Enter (and exit) on cue.
2. Enter (and exit) in character.
3. Don’t break character--ever.
4. Conduct your character business.
5 Concentrate, focus, self-subordinate.
6. Maintain character intensity.
7. Maintain personal energy.
8. Deliver consistent portrayals.
9. Perceive beats. (Tempo)
10. Establish pacing. (Action)
11. Achieve “scene flow”. (Scene)
12. Keep your blocking.
13. Don’t break your blocking.
14. Counter when necessary.
15. Keep your head up.
16. Keep your eyes open.
17. Cheat to the audience.
18. Don’t watch the audience.
19. Don’t stare into anyone’s eyes.
20. Play to the “audience horizon”.
21. Project your voice.
22. Enunciate your words.
23. Delivery your exact lines.
24. Resist embellishments.
25. Don’t sacrifice clarity for accent.
26. Resist “sing-song” delivery.
27. Don’t drop lines.
28. Don’t jump lines.
29. Know everyone’s lines.
30. Know and be alert to all cues.
31. Send & receive your cues—on cue.
32. Pick up your cues.
33. Don’t be distracted.
34. Don’t cause distractions.
35. Don’t be “entranced” by the show.
36. Don’t “telegraph” your reactions.
37. Anticipate what’s next.
38. Know & find your pre-set props.
39. Deploy your props.
40. Execute stage turns.
41. Gesture upstage.
42. Execute quick costume changes onstage.
43. Maintain scene focus.
44. Don’t upstage scene focus.
45. Improvise only when & if necessary.
46. Pantomime if necessary.
47. Know your music & lyrics.
48. Sing with technique.
49. Execute your choreography.
50. Execute scene change duties.
1. Make your curtain calls.
2. Meet & Greet patrons in lobby.
3. Re-set props & costuming.
4. Clean-up dressing room.
5. Turn off lights.
6. Check out with S.M.
7. Be alert for unattended minors—report to S.M.
8. Be alert returning to your vehicle.
9. Drive safely.
1. Just another show.
2. No pranks.
3. Gifts & hugs exchanged.
4. Strike set elements to designated areas.
5. Strike costuming & make-up to designated areas.
6. Gather all personally owned props & costuming.
7. Scan for anything left behind.
8. Final clean-up of Dressing Room.
9. Turn off lights.
10. Check out with S.M.
11. Be alert for unattended minors—report to S.M.
12. Be alert returning to vehicle.
13. Drive safely.
14. Attend wrap party (if scheduled).