Copyright © 2019 by Nello Bottari
(These Main Topic Outlines are a continual work-in-progress;
actively re-edited and updated for conciseness and accuracy.)
1. Personal Identification
a. Name
b. Gender
c. Age Range
d. Photo (only if requested)
2. Contact Information
a. Email
b. Phone
c. Texting
d. Social Media
3. Acting Credits (Especially most recent / most prominent roles.)
a. Show titles.
b. Directors.
c. Roles played.
d. Venues.
e. Years performed.
f. Theatre companies.
g. Clothing sizes.
h. Special talents.
4. Application Questions
a. What role are you auditioning for?
b. Will you take another role?
c. Do you have any objections to the material in this script?
d. Would you disrobe per the requirements of this script?
e. Would you kiss onstage? (Male/Female)
f. Would you alter your appearance?
g. What is your county of residence?
1. Cold Reading
a. Being a good cold reader is essential to audition competitiveness.
b. It is good practice for your mind, voice and lips to read something out loud every day.
c. You should familiarize yourself with the various script formats. (Working script, Book, etc.)
d. You should practice reading with a script in one hand while standing up, sitting down and walking around.
2. Onstage
a. You should execute suitable, minimal, body movements and hand gestures while performing your cold reading.
b. Always cheat (play) to the Director and the other actors in the scene.
c. It is accepted practice to allow actors to briefly scan the script “cutting” (a.k.a. “side”) prior to the beginning of the reading.
d. Silently read along while the other actors are reading their lines.
e. Make a Character Decision as to how you will portray your assigned character in the scene.
f. Consistently execute the same Character Decision throughout your reading in the scene.
1. Arrive approximately 10 minutes early to the audition.
2. Don’t attempt to intimidate anyone or allow yourself to be intimidated.
3. Be yourself: relaxed, calm, poised and confident.
4. Employ normal social skills while engaging with others: be nice.
1. Sign in and pick up an Audition Application.
2. Find a seat, then immediately fill-out the Audition Application and promptly return it.
3, Return to the same seat and respectfully observe the Director.
4, Listen to Director’s opening remarks.
5. Politely answer questions directed to you from the Director while at your seat or onstage.
6. Don’t be afraid to ask the Director relevant questions about the scene.
7. Promptly take stage when called to do so.
8. Perform your prepared monologue. (If requested.)
9. Perform your cold reading while executing good Cold Reading Skills.
10. Don’t make a big deal out of mistakes—yours or others.
11. Expect to read multiple roles from the script.
12. Listen to Director’s comments—and if called to perform the scene again—incorporate those points of direction in your 2nd reading.
13. Listen to the Directors’ closing remarks.
12. If practical, thank the Director before leaving.
13. Return to your normal life and day’s activities: leave the audition physically & mentally.
1, Call to schedule an audition slot.
2. If necessary, bring sheet music for your song for the keyboardist to use.
3. Perform your prepared song.
4. Submit to singing scales to determine your octave range.
1. Director should inform all present if casting will initially be from the auditions.
2. Director should inform all present if any roles have been pre-cast.
3. At the Director’s discretion, any role(s) may be cast outside the auditions.
4. Expect contact from Director within one week.
5. Leads are usually called first.
6. Casting is an “Offer & Acceptance” contractual agreement.
7. Reasonable negotiations are customary and not unusual. (i.e. scheduled rehearsal dates.)
8. Director does not need to justify any casting decisions.
9. Anticipate being offered a different role in the show for which you may or may not have auditioned.
1. Call-backs. (Continued, smaller, auditions for select participants.)
2. Contact from the Director.
3. No contact from the Director.
4. Venue & Website posting of cast list.
5. Phone calls
6. Emails
7. Texting.
8. Social Media
1. Pre-casting:
The Director announces that certain roles have been cast prior to auditions.
2. No-audition casting:
Privately, individuals are approached by the Director and offered certain roles.
3. On-site casting:
The Director announces certain casting decisions at the conclusion of the final audition.
4. Panel casting:
Trusted associates, present at the auditions, consult with and aid the Director in making final casting decisions.
5. Presumed casting:
On the part of those auditioning, the expectation that certain individuals will be cast in certain roles.
6. Casting politics:
Confidential reasons the Director made certain casting decisions. This is the Director’s Prerogative.
7. Honoring Audition Application answers:
This is the Actor’s Prerogative. Your Audition Applications answers, while made in good faith, cannot be held against you if you feel differently—for whatever reason—at the time you are offered a role by the Director.
8. Accepting another role:
This is the Actor’s Prerogative. It is the Actor’s decision alone whether to accept or decline an offer of a particular role at the conclusion of negotiations. It is the Director’s Prerogative how he or she reacts this decision.
9. Audition Consequences:
Actors AND Directors must live with their final casting decisions. The conduct and decisions by both Actors AND Directors during the audition & casting process can significantly impact future audition turnouts and casting decisions.