"Copy, print-out & complete this application and either return it to the ACT Box Office during business hours or attend the next FAAC and submit it to Nello. You will be contacted.
Thank you very much!"
ACT Volunteer Application
City of Residence:
Best Days/Times to Contact:
Needed Volunteer Functions:
- Set Design & Construction: Leads/Workers
- Set Painting: Design/Application/Decoration/Dressing
- Properties: Concepts/Design/Acquisition/Fabrication
- Costuming: Concepts/Design/Acquisition/Fabrication
- Make-up: Concepts/Design/Application
- Hair: Concepts/Styling/Wigs
- Audio: Concepts/Design/Engineering/Recording/Control Board Programming/Operation
- Lighting: Concepts/Design/Control Board Programming/Operation
- Script Prompter/Person On Book
- Stage Manager/Stage Hands
- Special Effects Operators
- Music: Direction/Musicians
- Costumers/Dressers
- Minor Wranglers
- Special Events
- Front of House
- Office Skills
List your Area(s) of Interest:
Previous Experience / Skill:
Scheduling Conflicts:
I would like to receive email mailings about: (check all that apply)
- General ACT Announcements
- Volunteer Specific Announcements
- FAAC Announcements